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Lucky Evil Eye Blue Ancient Greek Egyptian Turkish Italian Symbol Anklet Boho Silver Chain Bracelet 

$ 17.00 (AUD)

2 in 1 Bracelet/ Anklet
Adjustable by Chain
Multi Layer Chain Colour:  Silver or Gold
Pendant Symbol  Evil/ Good Luck Eye (Keeps the bad eye/ energy away; blue eye is also symbolic of good luck & strength & dynamics in regard to attitude towards life)

When a ‘filaxto’ meaning good luck charm, is not something you need to hide but rather use plenty of in a beautiful style to keep you safe and full of positive energy, away from jealous eyes. Where safety provides confidence and lucky charm becomes an adorable, elegant, Mediterranean touch to your look, this anklet/ bracelet becomes an essential charm to your dressing. Ideal for Summer, beaches (avoid getting water on it), Summer nights out, but also through winter in summer nostalgia & keeping those memories alive…whilst maintaining that protection of the ‘bad eyes’. It’s symbolism in comparison to it’s stylish look, makes it also an ideal heartily gift for a lovely lady or woman to wear and remember you by!

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