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Ladies White Slippers Footwear Kisses Pink Lips Slip-ons

$ 18.00 (AUD)

Material: Coral fleece & faux suede
Item: 1 Pair Slippers
Quality: High
Weight: 80 gr

These very light weight slippers are ideal for leaving at the foot of the bed to slide into first thing in the morning and out of before going to bed. Walk in cosy style and comfort at home, whilst relaxing your feet and keeping them warm all at once.Contribute to your home hygiene by avoiding to wear outdoor shoes indoors, transferring all the germs that underlay on After a long day, whilst doing work at home or relaxing it will add a pleasant note to your domestic look no matter your age.Due to its padding, each slippers size (M L, XL, 2XL) fits comfortably 3 normal shoe sizes. Check to confirm size on size chart below.


If you still need help to figure which one your size is, just scroll down to get instructions on measuring your foot length.

Confirm slippers size according to your shoe size or by measuring the length of your feet (as shown on the size or measuring chart below). If uncertain between two sizes, it’s better to chose the larger than the smaller size. eg: if your size is 38, it’s better to go for XL considering the socks thickness and comfortable fit (Click text images to enlarge).



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