Posh Cadillac Fashion Shop
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
+61 478-652-587 10am-10pm
All product prices shown in this site, are in Australian Dollar currency.
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$ 7.00 (AUD)
What a perfect way to add style and luxury to your appearance without excessive costs of nail salons…and in no time! Avoid nail salons and all save hours by simply applying these nail stickers. You can still seal them with long lasting gels, acrylic, semi permanent etc to get a longer lasting effect. Either you chose to do that at a salon or you just have enough time to do them yourself at home, you still save much time and money, getting that Vogue appearance in flashy nail detail and elegance. Optionally top coat to seal with UV seal and you’re ready for long lasting results! Effortlessly look like 1,000 dollars
eliminate the risk of someone having styled their nails the same way.
New Full Nail Stickers, for finger or toe nails
Make your hands or feet look more beautiful and stand out in style!
Quantity: 1 Sheet, 10 nail Stickers
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